Welcome to First UPC

We are a diverse church that believes in coming together to lift up the one true and Holy God. We invite you to come experience compassionate people, spirit-filled worship, and powerful messages.

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Sunday 11:00 AM

We are excited to announce our Summer Sundays schedule starting 7/14/24:

  • 9:50-10:20 AM Refreshments in Fellowship Hall

  • 10:30 – 10:55 AM PRAYER in Fellowship Hall

  • 11:00 AM Worship Service in Sanctuary

After worship service on the first and third Sundays of each month, there will be Sunday School for Ages 3-11.  Note that on the second and fourth Sundays of each month there will be no Sunday School so kids and teachers can participate in the service.

First UPC Services are now available on its new Youtube Channel. Please click here to check it out. Don’t forget to subscribe to our new channel.

Recent Articles

Grow Augusta – Property Update

The church is following the leading of the spirit and will relocate to a larger facility as the Lord provides. Concerning relocating, the church continues to follow these principles “God’s Plan” (The Church will know the will of God), “God’s Provision” (it will right...

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Imagine with me if you will, and take a trip into a story that may help give some in-sight to the immovable, impeccable word of God. So, let me begin by painting you the picture. In the corner of a room is a built-in wooden hutch that has glass shelves on the top half...

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SBC Missions Trip – 2018

Greetings in Jesus name, This is just a little write up synopsis to give feedback from the recent mission trip to the Harvest Bible College UPCI, located in Glasgow Scotland United Kingdom, November 2018. Brother and Sister Kelley, developed a burden for this portion...

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About Our Pastor

From a young age, Pastor Mark Maddox developed a love for the Lord and felt a call to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. After graduating Jackson College of Ministries in May of 1989, Pastor Maddox began serving as the school Administrator for New Life Pentecostal Academy in Grovetown, GA.

In February of 1991, Pastor Maddox relocated to Doniphan, MO to lead up the Christian Academy at West Point United Pentecostal Church.

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Upcoming Calendar

Awesome spirit of heartfelt worship, and a place where the love of God is manifested clearly to all who come! I highly recommend this church to any who are in the Augusta area looking for a home church! You won’t regret your visit.

~Louis Brown

I was drawn to this church after I repeatedly, experienced amazing and powerful worship. I continue to be astonished on how well the congregation comes together in praise and worship. I truly believe we have been given a key to unlock a door to heaven that most have yet to experience.

~Michael McCoy

If you need healing, restoration, or answers then you have come to the right place. God’s spirit is felt in every service and you leave changed. These people have truly become more than friends they are my family.

~Emily Goman

Ministry Spotlight


This ministry starts with toddlers age three and older. With classes on Sunday mornings as well as Wednesday evenings.

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Our student youth ministry focuses on both junior and senior high school students in their teenage years.

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Our college and career ministry is aimed at helping high school graduates build fundamentals in their everyday lives.

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This ministry works to build relationships with like minded and similar focused young marrieds or young families.

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Family Life
Solid biblical and practical principles for you and your family, taught by a rotating panel of teachers. Each session features plenty of life experience and perspective.  With a wide range of thought-provoking topics for your spiritual growth.
Still Waters
Our Stillwaters ministry, reaches out to the disenfranchised and hurting members of our Harrisburg Community. By providing spiritual fulfillment and hot meal to help reach those hungry for change in their lives.